Hello World…

Calem John Smith
10 min readApr 5, 2018

I have a story to tell. My story. Where I come from, where I have been, where I am now and where I shall be headed. If you are only interested in the latter, I suggest skipping to the end.

The perfect upbringing.

I consider myself a lucky and privileged individual. Not far from where this photo was taken, I was taught to swim at a young age. With a Spanish ex-hippy of a mother and an Aussie battler of father, I was raised along side my one sibling on a farm in…



Calem John Smith

Founder https://www.zero-zed.com | #Zerozed #Transhumanist #Biohacker #Mutualist #LibertarianSocialist #AnarchoTranshumanist #NonBinary | $BCH $x0z